The Approximately Monthly Zoomer

Fresh fish, straight from the fjords!


After all the privacy shenanigans with Facebook trying to merge WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram, I decided to try out some other messaging apps - my favourite so far in terms of functionality: Telegram. The ability to create and write with bots is something WhatsApp forbids in its TOS. They’d much rather make some sweet money selling the API access to businesses. Telegram on the other hand actively encourages the creation of bots and there are plenty of easy to use libraries to get started. I decided to create one for controlling my home-server so I can, for example, restart apache without having to ssh into the machine. It’s mostly just a python script which runs some bash scripts if the correct user (me) gives the command. Check it out on GitHub if you’re interested.

“But why is the bot named Addvar?” you may ask - I’ve spent way too much time playing Skyrim for me not to constantly reference it in random things.

© Dominik Odrljin

Monthly Zoomer